How To Edit Your TCT Profile, Bio, Contact Info and Notification Preferences
Your profile/bio in the backend contains all of your info that appears in the agent directory at It also contains your preferences for notification of new leads and more.
Edit Your Profile - Agent Photo
Your headshot should be cropped to 500 x 500 pixels and saves to your computer. Any other size can display your photo in unattractive ways.
- Click on your name to open your profile
- Click Choose File
Edit Your Profile - Upload Agent Photo
- Navigate to your desired photo saved to on your computer (Make sure it's cropped to 500 x 500 pixels as noted previously)
- Click Open
- Click Save
Edit Your Profile - Get Text Notifications Of Leads
Our system can instantly send you a text message notification you when you receive a new lead registration, inquiry, or form submission from a lead.
- Click Edit Preferences
- Look for the SMS Email Address. In the next step, we'll show you how to find the SMS email address for your wireless carrier.
Use Google To Find Your SMS Gateway Email Address
You can contact your wireless carrier for your SMS Gateway Email Address, or you can also use Google to find it. Search "SMS Gateway email address for [your wireless carrier]." It's usually among the first results. In this search for Verizon, we find it's "[your 10 digit phone number]"
Edit Your Profile - Get Text Notifications Of Leads
- Enter the SMS Email Address for your carrier that you found from the previous step.
- Click on Notifications
Edit Your Profile - Get Text Notifications Of Leads
- Check to receive a text message any time a new lead is assigned to you.
- Check to receive a text message any time a new lead inquiry or lead form submission is received
- Click Save Changes
- Click Edit Preferences to continue editing your profile.
Edit Your Profile - Phone and Bio
- Add your phone numbers
- Add your agent bio text
- Add your professional title
- Add your website address URL (must include the http://)
- Add your MLS Agent ID. This is the agent id number you use to log into your MLS.
Edit Your Profile - DRIP Campaign Email Signature
Create a signature that will go out on all drip campaign email messages. Note this is for email drip campaigns and emails you send directly from the backend. This is different than regular email you send from your phone or laptop.
- Type your email signature
- You format text and add graphics with this toolbar
- Click Yes.
Edit Your Profile - Social Media Links
- Add the website URLs to the social media platforms that you regularly participate in. Don't forget the http:// part of the links, it's required.
- Click Save Changes